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Steve’s Blog – Pro Digest Week 21

This week, we are talking about actions you need to complete. In a past blog, we touched on the benefits of  having “one place to go” for action items, calendar items, contact etc. If you can simplify your management specifically of action items, you will experience an increase in your personal business productivity. Having “one place to go” for your action items should be based on a method that:

  • is easy to maintain
  • can managed/reviewed quickly
  • can be added in seconds, no matter where you are and what you are doing

My personal recommendation is to have your “master list” in your inbox or in other folder in your email program. I will plan to talk about what I mean exactly by “master list”, in our next blog. Please get started by having a list so that you can know in “one place” everything you have to take action on which will save you time and effort.

Questions or comments? Just email me or call/text me at 630-774-7944

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