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How to Edit and Save Attachments for e-mail Messages (Outlook 2010)

In previous version of Microsoft Outlook you could edit an attachment, and when you closed the document and saved changes, the newly edited file would remain attached to the existing e-mail message.  This process has been changed in Outlook 2010.  It requires that you save the file to your computer and re-attach the file to the existing e-mail message.

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Outlook– Create Rule for “Out of Office” that Replies to EVERY e-mail (Outlook 2010)

When you create an “Out of Office Reply” in Outlook (Exchange Server), Outlook ONLY sends one notification to each sender that you receive a message from during the time the reply is turned on.  If you would like a notification sent EVERY time you receive an e-mail (regardless of the sender), you must create a “Rule”.

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