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Send Document or File as a PDF via e-mail (Outlook 2007)

Please see the online tutorial "Save a Document or File as a PDF (Office 2007)" before viewing this tutorial.  You will have to download an add-in to Office 2007.  This add-in will allow you to save documents and files as a PDF.  This video will show you how to e-mail a copy of the document or file as a PDF in a few simple steps.

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How to Use Out of Office Assistant (Outlook 2003/2007)

If you are going to be out of the office, and unable to respond to e-mail messages, you may want to turn on the “Out of Office Assistant”.  This will allow you to create a detailed message that will be automatically sent to anyone who sends you an e-mail message while you are out of the office.  In Outlook 2007 you can set a specific date range to turn the automatic reply on/off.

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How to Edit and Save Attachments for e-mail Messages (Outlook 2010)

In previous version of Microsoft Outlook you could edit an attachment, and when you closed the document and saved changes, the newly edited file would remain attached to the existing e-mail message.  This process has been changed in Outlook 2010.  It requires that you save the file to your computer and re-attach the file to the existing e-mail message.

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