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How to Send an e-mail “Flagged for Recipient” as a Reminder (Outlook 2007)

There may be times you would like to send a reminder to someone and you don’t want to use a Meeting Request to create a calendar event. You can send an e-mail and flag it for the recipient. This means the e-mail will be flagged and you can create a follow up reminder that will pop up in the recipients Outlook on a specific date and time.
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How to Send an e-mail “Flagged for Recipient” as a Reminder (Outlook 2010)

There may be times you would like to send a reminder to someone and you don’t want to use a Meeting Request to create a calendar event. You can send an e-mail and flag it for the recipient. This means the e-mail will be flagged and you can create a follow up reminder that will pop up in the recipients Outlook on a specific date and time.
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How to Create a Rule to Move e-mail to Specific Folder When it Arrives (Outlook 2010)

If you receive e-mails on a consistent basis that need to be moved to a folder when they arrive, you can create a rule that moves the e-mail message automatically. In this example we have a sales rep who receives an e-mail daily from customer service with the subject line “Deadline is close”. The sales rep wants to always file these e-mails in a special folder. We will create a rule that automatically files the e-mail in a new folder called “Deadline.
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How to Move “Auto-Complete” File from Outlook on One Computer to Outlook on New Computer (Outlook 2007 & Windows XP)

The “Auto-Complete” list is a feature which displays suggestions for names and e-mail addresses as you begin to type them. These suggestions are possible matches from a list of names and e-mail addresses from the e-mail messages you have received/sent. You may want to import this list if you want to use Outlook on a new computer. The first part of this tutorial will show you how to locate and copy the current file on your computer. The second part will show you how to import it into Outlook on the new computer. This procedure also works the same for Windows Vista.
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