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How to Delete “Auto Complete” Entries that you don’t use in e-mails (Outlook 2010/2007/2003)

When filling in the “To:/Cc:/Bcc” fields in an e-mail message, Outlook will provide you with “Auto Complete” entries. This will be a list of e-mail addresses that are similar to what you are typing (e-mail address that you have used before). It makes it quick for you to left click on of the “Auto Complete” entries to enter an address into the field. Some of the e-mail addresses in the “Auto Complete” entries may no longer be valid, you will want to delete those entries. This process works the same in Outlook 2010, Outlook 2007, and Outlook 2003.
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How to Save e-mail Message in “Documents” Folder (Outlook 2010)

You can save e-mails in your "Documents" (or "My Documents") folder instead of taking up valuable space in Outlook. The less you store in Outlook, the more efficient it runs. This process works the same in Outlook 2010 and Outlook 2013. Please see additional videos on saving e-mails in older versions of Outlook.
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How to Save Un-sent e-mails to Inbox Instead of ‘Drafts’ (Outlook 2013)

You can change where Outlook saves drafts of your unsent e-mail messages. By default Outlook will save the messages in the ‘Drafts’ folder. For me its “out of sight, out of mind”, and I frequently forget I have saved a draft of an e-mail message. It will help you to remember the unsent message if you save them to your Inbox.
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