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How to Set “Replies” and “Forwards” to always open in Full Screen (Outlook 2013)

By default, if you are reading an e-mail in your Inbox (or other folder), and you hit “Reply” or “Forward”, it will display in the “Reading Pane” instead of a new window. You have to click “Pop Out” to open in a new window. This can be changed so the “Replies” and “Forwards” open in their own window.
This post is only available to members.
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How to Open Outlook Calendar/Contacts in a New Window (Outlook 2007/2010/2013)

Tired of clicking on the navigation buttons every time you want to switch between your Inbox and Calendar? Right-click on any of the Navigation buttons and choose “Open in a New Window”, and you can keep your Calendar or Contacts open in windows of their own. They'll stay open while you deal with messages; simply use Alt-Tab to navigate between the windows.
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