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How to Turn Off iMessage on iPhone/iPad (iOS 8)

If you have another apple device (iPhone, iPod Touch) in addition to your iPad, text messages will be delivered to all devices at the same time. You may not want to receive iMessages (text messages) on your iPad if you are with a customer. You can turn this setting off on your iPad or iPhone/iPod Touch. This process shown using iPhone 6 with iOS 8.
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How to Force an App to Close (iPhone/iPad iOS 8)

There may be times when you need to force an application to close. Pressing the Home Button to return to the Home Screen doesn’t actually close the app, it just hides the app from view. If an app is unresponsive or running slow you may want to close it completely. This process shown on iPhone 6 with iOS 8, but works the same on iPad.
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How to Determine Memory Usage and Cellular Usage (iPhone/iPad iOS 8)

If you have a lot of applications and save a lot of pictures to your iPhone/iPad, you may have a need to keep an eye on the memory usage. When a major iOS update is available you may need to clear out some photos or apps to make space for the update. If you use Cellular data as well as the Wi-Fi on your iPhone/iPad you may want to monitor the Cellular Usage so that you do not exceed your data plan for your cellular carrier (avoid unnecessary charges). This tutorial will show you how to monitor the Usage. This process is shown on iPhone with iOS 8, but works the same on iPad.
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