You can quickly hide worksheets so they are no longer in view. Two different ways to hide worksheets will be shown in this tutorial. This process works the same in Excel 2007 and Excel 2010.
If you have created a char in the same worksheet as your chart data, or in a separate worksheet, you can easily delete it if you no longer need it. This will work the same in Excel 2003, Excel 2007 and Excel 2010.
You can use “Auto Correct” as a typing shortcut in Excel. This will allow you to customize an acronym that will automatically turn into a short phrase (title, name, etc) for text you type often. In this example we are going to use “TTM” to type in the company name Turner Time Management.
You can use “Auto Correct” as a typing shortcut in Excel. This will allow you to customize an acronym that will automatically turn into a short phrase (title, name, etc). In this example we are going to use “TTM” to type in the company name Turner Time Management.
If an attendee to a meeting request has responded verbally, or their response did not update in your calendar, you can manually edit the Meeting Request Response. This process is shown in Outlook 2010, but will work the same in Outlook 2007.