Note: TurnerTime is a Partner of TextExpander and we get commission for successful referrals.
Recall your best words. Instantly, repeatedly and save 20%.
Do you type “Thank you”, or something similar, frequently?
With TextExpander, you can create a snippet, give it an abbreviation of .tu and next time you want to say Thank you, just type .tu and it will expand into the full-length text. It can be used in all of the workflows. From sending reports, onboarding and answering daily emails.
Sign up by clicking the image below:
TextExpander for iPhone & iPad
Type more with less effort on your iPhone or iPad! Expand custom keyboard shortcuts into frequently-used text snippets. Grab your favorite snippets from your Mac!.
- Type faster in every app
- Play with other apps
- Streamline your emails
- Tweet and SMS directly
- Fill in the Blanks
If you have support, technical or product questions, please email: TextExpander Support