Steve’s Blog – Pro Digest Week 14
In dealing with interruptions (which is one of the primary ways your business time/day can “get away” from you), we have discussed how to address both incoming phone calls and text messages you receive on your smartphone. It’s crucial to establish a process for handling both, because without a process, we may handle each interruption differently. For all regular business activities, having an efficient and consistent process that (hopefully) leverages technology is to your advantage. My last blog discussed this.
Next type of interruption to cover is email interruptions. To save time, we want to avoid managing e-mail constantly and instead:
- Do a quick email check as often as needed;
- Turn off/mute any new email notifications (on computer, smartphone and or table that interrupt your focus/take you off your current activity;
a. Example: the “New Email” Alert in Outlook 200/2013/1016 - Schedule e-mail management sessions (>15 minutes) no more than 3-4 times/day.
More about handling email interruptions effectively in our next blog.
Questions or comments? Just email me or call/text me at 630-774-7944